home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1000 &Properties
- 1001 Stand A Lone Designer
- 2000 &Customize...
- 2001 Tool&bars
- 2002 &Commands
- 2003 Custom
- 2004 New Toolbar
- 2005 Rename Toolbar
- 2006 Toolbar name already exists. Use another name.
- 2007 Are you sure you want to delete '%s' toolbar ?
- 2008 Delete Toolbar
- 2009 (None)
- 2010 Alt+
- 2011 Ctrl+
- 2012 Shift+
- 2013 Tool
- 2014 Dock Top
- 2015 Dock Bottom
- 2016 Dock Left
- 2017 Dock Right
- 2018 Float
- 2019 Customize
- 2020 Hide
- 2021 Detach
- 2022 Fixed
- 2023 Stretch
- 2024 Center Popup
- 2025 Sizer
- 2026 Close
- 2027 Flat
- 2028 Expand
- 3000 Unknown Error
- 3001 Cannot create file
- 3002 Cannot open file
- 3003 Invalid file format
- 3004 Band not found
- 3005 Invalid SubBand value. Cycle detected.
- 3006 Cannot open SubBand of tool. The SubBand is already in use or has an invalid DockingArea. Use DDDAPopup for popup bands.
- 3007 Invalid Tools collection index
- 3008 Invalid Bands collection index
- 3009 Bad collection index
- 3010 Cannot set the mask bitmap without setting the image bitmap first.
- 3011 The mask bitmap dimensions are not the same as the image bitmap.
- 3012 Failed to create the ActiveBar's Designer.
- 3014 Duplicate Band Name
- 3015 Duplicate Tool Id
- 3016 Invalid Layout File
- 3017 Your have exceeded the internal limit of %i Bands. Do you want to continue loading this layout?
- 3018 Invalid Property Value
- 3019 The tool currently does not have a picture defined.
- 3020 Could not get the control's or form's Window Handle
- 3021 The form must have the BorderStyle Property set to None
- 3022 Shortcuts must be an array of strings.
- 3023 Invalid tool type, the type must be DDTTControl or DDTTForm
- 3024 Invalid shortcut
- 3025 Failed to open the the ActiveBar 2.0 Designer. The Designer is not register or not installed on your system.
- 3026 Window is not valid
- 3027 Invalid picture type, the picture must be a bitmap.
- 3028 Only one tool can have the AutoSize property set to a value other than ddASNone.
- 3029 Sizer Band Flag must to set to use this property
- 3030 Only for use with SDI Applications.
- 3031 Status bar band cannot have child bands
- 3032 Child bands must be set to the normal band type
- 3033 Out of memory
- 3034 Nulll name is not allowed
- 3035 Combobox is read only, the text property can only be set if the value is contained in the list.
- 4000 &Restore
- 4001 &Move
- 4002 &Size
- 4003 Mi&nimize
- 4004 Ma&ximize
- 4005 &Close
- 4006 &Next
- 4008 Minimize
- 4009 Restore
- 4010 Close
- 4011 Tool&bars
- 4012 &Commands
- 4013 &Options
- 4014 Customize
- 4015 &Keyboard...
- 4016 Close
- 4017 Active Bar
- 4018 Exception: %s, File: %s, Line: %i
- 4024 &Designer
- 4025 Designer
- 4026 Hierarchy
- 4027 Category
- 4028 ActiveBar Designer
- 4029 miSysCommand
- 4030 popupSysCommand
- 4031 miWindow
- 4032 &Window
- 4033 popupWindow
- 4034 miMDIButton
- 4035 miCascade
- 4036 &Cascade
- 4037 miTileHorz
- 4038 Tile &Horizontally
- 4039 miTileVert
- 4040 &Tile Vertically
- 4041 miSeparator
- 4042 Separator
- 4043 Band
- 4044 Band Properties
- 4045 Activate
- 4046 Tool%i
- 4047 miReset
- 4048 miDelete
- 4049 &Reset
- 4050 &Delete
- 4051 miEditToolName
- 4052 &Name
- 4053 miCopyImage
- 4054 &Copy Button Image
- 4055 miPasteImage
- 4056 &Paste Button Image
- 4057 miDefaultStyle
- 4058 Defa&ult Style
- 4059 miTextOnly
- 4060 &Text Only
- 4061 miImageOnly
- 4062 &Image Only
- 4063 miImageAndText
- 4064 Image &and Text
- 4065 tbtMoreTools
- 4066 popupMoreTools
- 4067 DDpopupAllToolsDD
- 4068 miAllTools
- 4069 Add or Remove Buttons
- 4070 Reset Toolbar
- 4071 More Buttons
- 5010 Access Violation
- 5011 Array Bounds Exceeded
- 5012 Break Point
- 5013 Datatype Misalignment
- 5014 Float Denormal Operand
- 5015 Float Divide by zero
- 5016 Float Inexact Result
- 5017 Float Invalid Operation
- 5018 Float Overflow
- 5019 Float Stack Check
- 5020 Float underflow
- 5021 Illegal Instruction
- 5022 Page Error
- 5023 Integer Divide by Zero
- 5024 Integer Overflow
- 5025 Invalid Disposition
- 5026 Non Continuable Exception
- 5027 Privage Instruction
- 5028 Single Step
- 5029 Stack Overflow
- 5030 Dock Areas
- 5031 Float
- 5032 Popups
- 5033 Client Area
- 5034 Rename Toolbar